Is it February already? How time flies...
I'll be honest, I nearly didn't have a new book to offer this month. But as I typed past 15,000 words on my latest smut-fest a week or so back, I thought: 'Hang on... why not just turn this into a two-parter?'
And so – rather than starve you, my loyal subscribers, of original content – I decided that I should turn my latest into a limited series. A decision, incidentally, encouraged by many of my survey respondents (see later) who made it clear they're fans of my multi-part tales because it gives them something new to read every month!
I think you'll like this new one: it's my take on billionaire erotic romance that's a little more twisted than you might expect (although that might not become so apparent until you read the concluding chapter next month)!
As well as the new release I've got some results from my latest survey, a plea for your votes and a selection of recommendations and freebies.
Scroll down past the reclining redhead with the ravishing rack for all the details...
What's this all about, then?
Beautiful raven-haired Emily – a flirty bisexual lass without a care in the world – finds her life turned upside-down when a series of unfortunate events results in her sudden destitution and homelessness. Until a rich guardian angel swoops in to rescue her...
Go on...
'Silver Fox' Michael seems to want nothing in return for turning Emily's life around, going out of his way to make sure she can get back on her feet. Emily can't even begin to image how to repay him for his kindness... until a random encounter at a hotel where Michael admits to being stood up my an escort!
I think I see where this is going...
Yes, it turns out the one thing that unlocks Emily's outrageously kinky side is the desperate need to show her gratitude towards the man that saved her. She will match his generosity of spirit with her generosity of body and soul! She will thank his brains out!
That all sounds fairly straightforward!
Well it's not! You'll have to wait for the concluding chapter to reveal the full extent of all the twists in store but let's just say that things are not necessarily what they may seem...
Didn't this have a different title at one stage?
Ah, well remembered! Yes, this was originally called 'Explicitly Grateful' (which I much prefer as a title) but I became convinced that Amazon was dumping it in their infamous 'dungeon' because of the word 'explicit' in the title. Alas, there must be another reason it's banned from their search results... but you will still be able to access it via my author page! (I may adjust the cover/contents in the next month or so to free to set it free...)
Purchase the first part of 'ILLICITLY GRATEFUL' right here!! |
Every year the wonderful Alexa Sommers goes out of her way to organise some online awards for erotica authors of all stripes, and I'm thrilled to reveal that one of my books has got another nod!
Now, I've been lucky enough to be nominated every year I've been doing this BUT HAVE NEVER WON MY CATEGORY... so let's all try to make this my year, eh?
Vote for Task Mistress in The Tickler Award for Parody/Comedy Erotica and help bring me some much-needed kudos 😂
The voting form is a beast but you can skip all the other categories if you like (mine's about halfway down). Although if you recognise any titles in the other categories then please show them some love too!
It's been really interesting analysing the results of my New Year survey and I thought I'd share some of the insights gathered from those that took the time to answer.
You like serials
The vast majority of respondents enjoyed reading the latest instalment of a longer story every month. This doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to be doing exclusively multi-part stories from now on but it does reassure me that it's something most of you like. So when a story I really want to tell turns out to be longer than I expected (like this month!) I'll be sure to chunk it up so you've always got something new.
You have a variety of kinks
This doesn't surprise me since I stubbornly refuse to niche myself. For every person who absolutely loves a cum shower there's another who could do without. And just as many readers are indifferent to girl-on-girl action as want to see more of it! I guess I'll stick to what turns me on and hope those with similar proclivities stay with me!
You like crude language, free-use fantasies and inexperienced youngsters getting 'schooled'
I'll say no more. The above sums it up. But I must admit I'm glad you don't mind it when the language gets a bit fruity - a well-placed wet c**t or hard f**k can really get the blood pumping 😂
The story is as important as the sex
This one made me the happiest. Let's face it, you're spoiled for choice when it comes to written filth on the internet. So to see that a good plot to hang the debauchery upon is important to so many of you makes me feel proud that you've chosen to come to me for your literary thills!
Many of you are fine with non-con (in a fictional story)
I'm surprised so many felt that 'anything goes' in the context of a written fantasy. My own personal preference is for 'dub-con' and for any such elements to be non-violent and leaning more towards manipulation and suggestion rather than coercion. But the survey lets me know I don't have to worry too much about your response when treading that line.
We have a winner!
The lucky respondent who got plucked out the magic hat is Kurt, and he's busy coming up with a brief that will no doubt form the basis of next month's Medium freebie. So keep your eyes peeled for that!
Have you read all my books yet? There's something to suit everyone. You can check out the whole library at
Here is a small selection of my favourites...
'More Than Words' is a super-hot collection of erotic shorts from Olive Spencer, with more than enough variety on the sordid tales to tickle every type of kink. And if you fancy something a little more taboo then Hayden Ash's 'too-hot-for-Amazon' tale over at SmashWords might appeal: a spoiled little brat is taken by her overprotective man to see a medical alpha male. Naughtiness ensues...
I've got more freebies than usual this month BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! Now repay that generosity of spirit by checking out the back-catalogues of these awesome authors after signing up to their newsletters...
Next month I'll hopefully have the concluding chapter of Illicitly Grateful for you, as well as some news about my first (familiar) title on Galatea!
Remember, you can send me a tip if you want to show me how grateful you are in a way that doesn't cross any ethical boundaries.
Until next time... stay kinky x
From illicit age-gap relationships to kinky experimentations and everything in-between: voyeurism, manipulation, first-time, fantasy, massage, swinging, teasing, bicurious, taboo... if there's a sexual fantasy then I've probably written about it.
Don't fret... Get wet! (or 'hard' for my male readers – but that didn't rhyme, so...) Hi there! How goes it? 2025 is getting off to a very busy start for me BUT I managed to complete the latest chapter of my Porn Dimension series so you had something new to get off to in February! More info on the latest crazy (and sexy) instalment below... There's also news of how you can help me get that first elusive Golden Pigtails win of my semi-pro career (go on... it'll make me happy!) and I've got...
Happy New Year to you all... My New Year's resolution is to try to cut back on all the cheap and tacky sexual innuendo that usually frequents my newsletters. Let's try to be a bit more classy in 2025, eh? So... did you have a good festive season? Stockings? Dangling baubles?Ruddy-faced men with swollen sacks fit to burst? A coating of the white stuff? Decent stuffings? (I've failed already, haven't I?) It's a bit of a slow start to the year as I get back up and running and get some much-need...
Helping keep you warm (and wet) Hello everyone. Well, the past few weeks have featured a whole lot of the white stuff! And for once, I'm not talking about gentlemen's relish... Yes, winter is well and truly here but while it may be snowing outside (depending upon your location) you can stay hot under the covers with my latest offerings of smut! Book 2 of my 'Porn Dimension' saga is out! I got some great feedback for the first part (4.8 stars on Amazon at time of writing), so I'm hoping the...