
Erotica writer extraordinaire

From illicit age-gap relationships to kinky experimentations and everything in-between: voyeurism, manipulation, first-time, fantasy, massage, swinging, teasing, bicurious, taboo... if there's a sexual fantasy then I've probably written about it.

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THE HORN brings you the concluding SEXHIBITION!

Hello to all my randy readers!! It always feels like an important newsletter when I get to announce the conclusion of one of my ongoing series, so chalk this one down as a special one – semenal, even (spelling error intentional) – because the final chapter of Sexhibitions is now available and it ends on a suitably debauched (and sticky) note. And as always, I've got some recommendations and freebies from my fellow authors to tempt you. So let's not mess around, eh? Scroll down past the perky...

It's time for some Summer Lovin' Summer loving: Hawkland style! (Which invariably means conflicted young men lusting after sexually-insatiable women with big boobs and bigger sexual appetites) Hello again. How's the world treating you? Whether you're doing well or things could be better, no frame of mind can't be further improved by getting hot under the collar over the written exploits of randy people giving in to their sexual desires. And this month I've got a brand new standalone story...

Frisky Greetings to you all... I like to start every romantic encounter by asking my partner which shoe she'd prefer I climax over. Why? Because I don't want to get off on the wrong foot. 😂😂😂 Yes, it's a bold move to open my latest newsletter with a sexually explicit dad joke but I'm feeling a bit crazed today, so you'll just have to put up with it! A bout of COVID (my first, believe it or not!) managed to floor me this month and I'm only just getting back to full capacity. My latest...

Want to read some filthy tales? You're very much in the right place! Welcome loyal subscribers and new sign-ups alike! If this newsletter is the first you've received from me then let me sum it up as succinctly as possible: smut, boobs and bargains! Too succinct? OK, how about a place where you can peruse my ever-growing library of erotic books whilst being tempted by recommended works of other authors, free stories that you can enjoy simply by signing up to another newsletter, and news of my...

Stories to make you sticky... At least I hope that's the general effect they have. I know some of you couldn't care less about the sexual encounters that I go to great lengths to describe – which baffles me somewhat (but if you're here for the scenarios more than the sin then more power to you!). For those who take a lot more pleasure in reading about others being pleasured, have I got a book for you this month! The second part of Illicitly Grateful is ready and awaiting your delectation....

It's never too late to titillate... Is it February already? How time flies... I'll be honest, I nearly didn't have a new book to offer this month. But as I typed past 15,000 words on my latest smut-fest a week or so back, I thought: 'Hang on... why not just turn this into a two-parter?' And so – rather than starve you, my loyal subscribers, of original content – I decided that I should turn my latest into a limited series. A decision, incidentally, encouraged by many of my survey respondents...

Twenty twenty phwoar! Hello everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe 2024 has come around so quickly! It's been a mad couple of months for me and so this first newsletter of the year is also the first in some time that doesn't have a new release for you – BUT DON'T DESPAIR... I've got plenty of other things to keep you occupied and aroused through January. Firstly, you can win the chance for me to write some bespoke erotica just for you! Complete a survey for me and I'll randomly pick out...

Baby, it's cold outside... So, stay indoors and read some of my scorching-hot smut! I believe it had been demonstrated in several articles appearing in many prestigious peer-reviewed journals that masturbating frequently and energetically whilst reading stimulates both body and mind and maintains a comfortable core temperature during the winter months. THAT, my friends, is scientific fact. There's no real evidence for it but it remains SCIENTIFIC FACT! So what do I have for you in the run up...

Frightfully frisky... Greetings my filthy, fruity friends! Halloween has just passed and I hope it was devilishly good fun for all those who revel in it. And I also hope that it passed without stress or incident for those who could do without it 😆 As always, I've got loads of treats and no tricks for you. The next chapter of Sexhibitions is ready for your delectation. Are you enjoying the concept and the promise of what's to come? I hope so... Sometimes when my brain goes to a 'high concept'...

The art of smut... Hello there loyal subscribers and new followers alike! What have I got for you this month? Well, after worrying that I might not have a new release for your delectation I'm thrilled to announce that the first part in my brand new series is now available to feast your filthy eyes on. I've gone a little 'high concept' with this one (what else is new?) but it's providing the opportunity to explore all kinds of kinks whilst weaving a cool story between the episodic smut! If...